The Vampire Studies Association (VSA) is seeking academic organisations and initiatives in the same or similar field to affiliate with.

An affiliation would involve mutually sharing links to our respective organisations, potential collaborations, relevant promotions and referrals. If you would like to be a VSA affiliate, contact us here. Choose Affiliate from the Subject line.

Hauntologist, The

The Hauntologist is a research hub for studies in horror and related areas. If you would like to have your online journal, website, podcast, or other scholarly resource listed on the “Horror Studies Resources” page, feel free to contact its curator, Kristopher Woofter.

Lord Ruthven Assembly

The Lord Ruthven Assembly is an international group of scholars and creatives who study vampires in literature, film, and the other arts.

Montréal Monstrum Society

Montréal Monstrum Society (MMS) is a scholarly collective offering free public lectures in horror and related media for fans of the genre. Many are available online. MMS also publishes the biannual, peer-reviewed open-access journal Monstrum.

Open Graves, Open Minds Project

The Open Graves, Open Minds Project (OGOM) began by unearthing depictions of the vampire and the undead in literature, art, and other media, then embraced werewolves (and representations of wolves and wild children), fairies, and other supernatural beings and their worlds. The Project extends to all narratives of the fantastic, the folkloric, and the magical, emphasising that sense of Gothic as enchantment rather than simply horror. Through this, OGOM is articulating an ethical Gothic, cultivating moral agency and creating empathy for the marginalised, monstrous or othered, including the disenchanted natural world.