The Vampire Studies Association (VSA) was founded by Anthony Hogg on October 31, 2018 at City Library, Melbourne, along with eight recruits “to establish vampire studies as a multidisciplinary field by promoting, disseminating and publishing contributions to vampire scholarship.”1

The association aims to be a central network for vampire scholars, educators and students as part of its greater goal to consolidate vampire studies into a widely-recognised academic discipline.
Our primary activities involve distributing, promoting and publishing vampire scholarship. The former activity is primarily carried out through our social media accounts and the latter through the publication of the Journal of Vampire Studies. For more on our activities, click here.

The VSA is governed by a committee comprised of four roles: President, Deputy President, Secretary Treasurer and Operations Co-Ordinator.2 To view our current committee, click here.
Committee members are elected to one year terms. At each of our annual general meetings (AGM), committee members vacate their roles. Members then vote for a VSA member to fill each role. Committee members can be re-elected.
The VSA’s Association Rules were adapted from the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission’s Rules for a Charitable Unincorporated Association’s template. The first version was ratified on October 31, 2018, then revised on October 31, 2019. The revised version is the association’s current governing document. To view our rules, click here.
Financially, the VSA is primarily supported by out-of-pocket contributions from its founder, annual membership fees, remittances and donations. But the VSA is not just supported by financial means; support also comes from those who are interested in and believe in the VSA’s purposes.
VSA membership is open to those interested in vampire studies and agree to follow the Association Rules. To join the VSA, click here for more info.
For other ways to support the VSA, click here.
- Association Rules, Vampire Studies Association, October 31, 2018, 4.1(i). The eight recruits were: Erin Chapman, Joanne Hogg, Gabrielle Clark, Ramon Ernesto Casal y Glazov, Diego Ramirez, Catherine “Cat” Bonacci-Rocca, Andrew M. Boylan and Fanying Ning. ↩︎
- The Operations Co-ordinator role was added to the committee on October 31, 2019. ↩︎