Membership to the Vampire Studies Association (VSA) is open to anyone who agrees to our Association Rules and supports the association’s purpose “to establish vampire studies as a multidisciplinary field by promoting, disseminating and publishing contributions to vampire scholarship.”1

Prospective members under eighteen (18) years of age must have their application filed on behalf of a legal guardian.

At present, we offer a Basic annual membership but there are plans for tiered membership in future.

How to Join

  1. Read our Association Rules
  2. Fill out our membership form

Your application will be assessed by the VSA’s president (click here to view official email addresses; delete VSA emails not received from these addresses). If approved, you will be asked to pay an annual membership fee through PayPal; the president will provide the PayPal link. The fee is:

  • A$5 for Australian residents
  • A$6 international

When the fee is received and transferred into our account, the president will email you to inform you of your membership commencement. Your membership will commence from the date the fee has been successfully transferred.

The information submitted in your membership application form is added to our Register of Members.

Renew Membership

There is a seven day grace period to renew your membership after its expiry date. If you wish to renew your membership before or during this timeframe, pay the annual membership fee through this PayPal link:

  • A$5 for Australian residents
  • A$6 international

Please ensure you mention VSA membership renewal in your payment notes. Your renewal date begins from your existing membership expiry date.

If your details have changed since you registered, please let us know by contacting us. Choose Membership in the Subject line.

If you do not renew your membership within this timeframe, you will need to reapply for membership.

  1. Association Rules, Vampire Studies Association, October 31, 2018, 4.1(i). ↩︎